A familiar concept – unique execution. Women, young rippers and smaller riders up to 160 cm in height often struggle with regular sails because of their stature, strength and limited lever forces. At the same time they are often more talented surfers than others, so they are right to demand a full-featured and easy-to-control rig. For these individuals we have specifically developed the NOW – a highly lightweight, powerful and high-quality performance handling sail developed based on the current SUPER_HERO model yet adapted so it can be used by smaller/lighter riders with ease. While most sail brands use the same layouts and materials for grom and women sails as in their adult-sized sails for reasons of simplicity (e.g. the heavy X.PLY), we do things differently. Thanks to the years of collaboration with all the big windsurfing schools (e.g. Duotone Pro Center, ION Club, FBC), we have taken advantage of their wealth of knowledge to design the NOW. The magnificently balanced shape, lightweight monofilm and sophisticated mix of materials in the iMODULAR DESIGN guarantee low weight AND durability.
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